Sunday, January 1, 2012

An Unexpected Calling

On this day, the 26th day of December in the year of our lord 2011 I was seized by a complete and overwhelming compulsion to write something called a "blog". I have no explanation as to why I would abruptly be gripped by the desire to once more take on the mantle of writer. Nor as to why I would do it in a manner so unacustom or so public. For I have been dead to the world at large for the past three-score years and have been quite content to let it labor under that false assumption like some elderly Tom Sawyer. Enjoying the solitude and privacy that death allows. 

Surely, writing this "blog" would only expose my deceptions and invite unwanted attention by the uncouth portion of polite society.

Regardless, no matter how I argued with myself I was totally committed to the act. Driven by my own inner demons not unlike the Furies of myth that would hound guilty men to their dooms.

And so, with caution spread to the four winds, I drank to the venture with my finest brandy and retired for the night. Confident in the fact that I would lie down a literal lamb, but awaken a paper tiger!

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